Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When I grow up I wanna be...

...at least one of these. The more the better.


A knitting terrorist
(as my colleague put it)


One of those persons creating names to nail polishes
(what a lovely way to use your creativity)


A graffiti artist
(what a shame that I can't draw at all.
I just have to keep writing slogans, I guess)

A cat lady
(you know, one of those old ladies with at least seven cats)


A lollipop tester
(There has to be a job like that, right?)


A Mother
(And I don't believe in that "my kids are just like little angels"-crap
all the other parents seem to repeat to themselves.
I'm sure mine would be like little demons.
Hey, with my genes...)


Riikka said...

Yes, your childer will be lovely little demons taht I can't wait to meet!

Inari said...

Well, unfortunately you have to wait a bit longer. Cause I really hope they aren't on their way yet!

Riikka said...

I know, but I'm good in waiting. Besides my children will need friends to play with and they are not going to be born in quite a while yet.