Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Nighttime Thoughts

There are some happy young people living below us.
I can hear them laughing plenty of times a day,
and they often sit on the balcony chatting in different languages.
It's many of them all the time, and I have no idea
who is really living here and who just visiting.
Not that I care anyway.

It sounds like they were having the summer of their life,
and that thought makes me happy.
It also makes me feel old somehow.
I miss those long long summer holidays from my childhood.

Well, I've had a long holiday this summer as well.
Mainly cause I just dropped everything I planned to get done
because I felt exhausted.
But I can't help that nasty feeling that comes
when you know you seriously should do
some work instead of just hanging around
and having fun. It differs from the childhood,
when the main thing was just to enjoy.

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