Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Just Like my Notebook

I've been thinking a lot of blogging lately.
What it means to me, what I'd like to blog about.
How I'd like my blog to look like and who I'd like to read it.

My blog is my creative outlet.
Just like my notebook.
It includes words and pictures, both helping me to express myself.

I'd like to tell you little stories of my life.
About my musings, feelings and thoughts.
About my daily life and what happens in it.
Sometimes those little stories might be sad, sometimes happy.
Just like my life.

I'd also like to share my inspirations.
Internet is full of pretty pictures, good ideas and lovely things.
I prefer self-made and self-photographed material here in my blog,
but am still going to share pics and pages from other people too.
To tell you what I love and what makes me inspired.
And because I often find out that somebody
has already explained how I feel and did it better than I ever could myself.

So my blog is still going to be a mixture
of many ingredients.
My blog is a combination
that resembles me, the writer.
Just like my notebook does.

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